One Vision

Bringing People Together

Helping People Everywhere


The more time I spend with One Vision the more I realise what a marvelous loving dedicated team it is - all with the single goal of working together to improve the chances of the less fortunate. I would like to thank each organisation for working with us, for each organisation that donates to us,  and to each and every volunteer for making a real difference. Finally, I would like to thank Enoch - what a pleasure working with you. You have really galvanised the community and your drive and energy, and for me, your love of your fellow human is a real inspiration to us all.

Contact Details and Linked Organisations

The idea and Aim are to create a network and community of people.

One Vision has been created to bring together all the beliefs, cultures, smaller charities, and non-profit organisations in Watford.

Please forward call donations to :

One Vision Account Number: 40228519  Sort Code: 23-05-80


Activities and more

Dame Helen meets with Organisers and Volunteers to discuss the distribution of food packs during the Covid-19 Pandemic



Food packs ready for distribution to the needy and deserving.

Dame Helen Hyde

Contact Us